Muzo Aka Alphonso Set To Go To Nigeria For a Vacation & Also Do a Song with Superstar RudeBoy


Muzo Aka Alphonso’s Former Manager Ligh P Went on The Get Candid With Hellen Show And Justified a Clear Picture about Muzo’s Issue With Alpha Entertainments.

He Further Said That Muzo ‘s Situation and Bad Habit Of Drinking and Smoking Was Caused by What Happened to his Former Label Done to Him, His Album Was Not Released as The Agreement was Made and Ended up Being Leaked. The Hardwork and Effort That he Put in Is What’s Causing His Current Depression and Leading him To Heavy alcoholic abuse.

Ligh P also said That he Will soon Be Going to Nigeria Just for a Vacation and To Clear off and Freshen his Mind. He Also Said that Their is a Possibility he might do a Song with RudeBoy .

Watch the Full Video Below.


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