Chella Tukuta Vs Wyclif Mwamba Boxing

Chella Tukuta is one of the forma diplomat of Zambia to Brazil and Wycliffe is one of civil servant working as a Police 🚨

There is a treding issue between the two were chella Tukuta disrespectful mock mwamba about the color set up in his house,hence after alot of saying from chella,mwamba warn chela that ukaponoka and the two requested the ring fight.

But according to our investigation with our team as zed louder,the issue is just a staged one for having numbers,becarefull our pipo and be mindful on things on social media

**Ba Zambia mwaliba fast ai😂😂😂 If I were to stand nabafyashi aba face to face, ni one straight punch ninsh Ba fainter**



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