Chile One MrZambia has Beaten Yo Maps Yo on YouTube with their latest releases “Back Again” and “My Hero.”

Chile One MrZambia has overtaken Yo Maps Yo on YouTube with their latest releases “Back Again” and “My Hero.”
Although Yo Maps initially led with over 300k views in the early days, Chile One has now taken the lead with both songs standing at 1.7 million views. Chile One’s “Back Again” is currently ahead by over 4,000 views indicating that it has gained more traction than “My Hero.”
This is a direct interpretation that Back Again has been played more than My Hero and definitely the biggest song between the two..
Dj Yoyo

Dj Yoyo

Djyoyo Zambia A Music enthusiast | Promoter | Web Developer | Producer | Publisher | Blogger And Raper on Zedlouder.Com & Newzfarm.Com

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