
Chile One & Tiana Chilanga Mulilo

If Chile one and Tianna are Pranking us and it’s their Chilanga Mulilo and wedding coming up they will have to pay us for wasting our tears… Many people claim they have seen Tianna and Chile One MrZambia together…Infact you will owe us alot cause you made the ‘whole nation’ weep..
Why do Women look more beautiful after breaking off a man mmm Tianna bweshako umutima wemwana weh this Namwanga or Mambwe babe napapata, go slow chabashani ukusamwa so

In the Zambian MusicZedlouder.Com has been instrument and known as a House of Entertainment in Zambia. This website showcase entertaining information for visitors . Online magazines, gossip oriented website, celebrity news, sports coverage, movies, the arts, humorous website, etc and it is oriented to promote Upcoming Artist and well established. Its cardinal to Save or bookmark this website for getting latest music and use the search button to look for any music of your choice ( in the case of old songs which you could not find, don’t worry just notify us via the comment section we will update it ASAP) and don’t forget to let us know how you feel after each download…

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Y Celeb – End Of The Year Freestyle Mp3 Download-Fire

Boy Kay Ft Chile One & Jemax-Teti

Jea Cash FT Yo Maps-People like me 


Yo Maps-Try Again

Chile One-I Love You

Chile One-Iseni Mutambe

  Yceleb ft Ray D-Kutulukusha  

Chef 187-Broke Nolunkumbwa

F Jay-Feeling

T Sean ft Chile

Towela ft Yo Maps-One Day

Muzo ft Macky 2 & Exile-Why

Nez Long ft Marcos – Teti Bakwanishe

Dizmo ft Fireman



MrZambia Chile One )Prince Luv-Fallen

KB Ft Chile One Mr Zambia & Ston Chan Mwanalesa – Nikumbuseni



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