Mwizukanji & Bukata Celebrate Tendai Birthday 🎉🎂

Mwizukanji and Bukata Celebrate Tendai Birthday 🎂🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

Yo maps two children bukata and tendai.these children has different mother,hence it has been an issue for two children to meet bcoz of previous drama.

On 5 this month, Tendai,the young sister to Bukata had a birthday 🎂🎉🎉.Yet some reports claim that Mwizukanji the mother of Bukata did not wish and neither letting the Child to attend the party.

This has surprised alot of Zambian thinking that maybe both have moved on and forget about the drama happen.Most Zambians are still waiting for mwizukanji to send a happy Birthday text to wish the younger baby but still.

Let’s stop childish,let’s behave in older to build the future generation,let’s always talk and improve love and mind our own business 💕💕



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