Mwizukanji Rejects Chile One’s Love Proposal

Mwizukanji has turned down Chile One Mr Zambia’s love advances towards her with is this response below, this is what she wrote

Dear Chile One MrZambia

I appreciate the love and the letter.

I’m glad you have experienced love from a distance am a nice person I won’t deny lol
Am smart
Goal oriented
A loving mother
A hustleprenuer
And a wine lover lol

Nevertheless right now I’d love to encourage you to work hard and chase the money too…

you are a quite talented handsome man and I love your music
of course I was forced to download after reading your post

The right person at the right time will love you the same way you will love them.

I promise to vibe
promote and share your music the best way I know how

Best regards


Dj Yoyo

Dj Yoyo

Djyoyo Zambia A Music enthusiast | Promoter | Web Developer | Producer | Publisher | Blogger And Raper on Zedlouder.Com & Newzfarm.Com

Just Make Yours